Sunday, October 10, 2010


Boy, do I miss it. Harper gave up sleeping during the day about two weeks ago. She gets by on 10 to 15 minute catnaps all day. This is a complete pain in the butt, but I thought, hey, at least she sleeps at night. As a newborn, she slept five hour stretches. Sometimes six. Then she went down to four. Then three. And the past couple of nights I haven't gotten more than a 1.5 hour stretch of sleep. So now I have a very good-natured little girl that never sleeps. And she has a mom that turns into a crying, crazy wreck on no sleep. And that mom has a husband who goes back to work this week.

Kill me now.

(I should add that I at least I don't have two other kids that have the flu right now. E, you are my hero.)


Unknown said...

OHHHHHHHHHHH NO! She is sleeping less and less now? I was so hoping that was a phase.

Vickie said...

Oh boy, so sorry to hear about the non-sleeping. Those are the hardest times. Audrey was also a 15-20 minute cat napper as an infant, so I understand how you feel. And I think you remember how I complained about how often Andrew got up during the night until he was A YEAR OLD. I feel your pain. It will pass though, eventually. Call if you need to talk or vent or anything! Love you!

laura said...

Crazy sleep-deprived mommy--yeah I know her all too well. I'm so sorry. I wish I had the answer, but I've never had a good sleeper. If only we were the kind of moms that weren't above slipping our newborns a little benedryl now and then. :)

homemade by jill said...

Oh, man. I'm so sorry. It gets better!

Ali said...

Bummer! I hope it gets better for you soon! I wish I could say it has for us, but I have just gotten a little more used to functioning half-awake. At least they are darling, and I just keep reminding myself, someday I will be able to sleep as much as I want!