Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Park

Last week, some friends of ours introduced us to a great new (well, new to us) playground in Central Park. And even though it's located "all the way over there" (aka, the East side), I think it is safe to say we'll be going back. Thanks for the pictures, Jaime!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

An Hour Nap or an Hour of TV

The stars aligned and Chris's birthday fell on the BSG (Battlestar Gallactica for the uninitiated) two-hour series finale. Hence, we invited our fellow BSG-watchers over for some cured meats, key-lime pie, and geeky TV.

And to admire our Office-themed decorations, of course.

Happy Birthday, Chris!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This is how excited Elliot is that Grandpa Bill, Uncle Kyle and Uncle Todd are visiting.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Phrase

Elliot's favorite phrase the past couple of days has been, "Oh no. Mess."

Can I tell you that I love that I have a child who seems about as concerned as I am when his cup leaves a water ring on the dining room table?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Scaring Nolan

Lately, Elliot's favorite thing to do is to "scare" people. Unfortunately, our favorite victim, Aunt Kara, is out of town. So we had to get creative. Enter Nolan.