Friday, October 1, 2010

Elliot Has Been Abducted by Aliens

Or, at least, I'm pretty sure that's what has happened. Because last night my super-picky-eater-since-birth, scream-through-meals child ate his orange chicken without complaint, asked if he could please have some asparagus, and then said (and I'm not kidding), "thank you, Mom, for making me dinner."

The aliens can keep old Elliot. I like the new one.

(On a more serious note -- thank you Manhattan First ward for being the best ward in the church and providing us with two weeks of meals after Harper was born. I MADE Elliot eat every one and he's been a good sport about trying new foods ever since. You guys made my year! And have very likely saved Elliot from scurvy. I love you.)


Vickie said...

From a fellow parent of a super picky eater...THATS AWESOME! I love hearing Audrey thank me for dinner. It's so awesome. And that's awesome you've had meals for 2 weeks. Fabulous ward!

Lauren said...

Scurvy... LOL... awesome ward. :)

Unknown said...

See, all this time Elliot just needed a sibling to chill him out ;)

nicokekeematipili said...

I want orange chicken and asparagus! He will truely appreciate your cooking one day, you are one of the best!

Linea Kemsley said...

Woot! Hope he stays this way!