Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just to Make it Clear

That my kid doesn't crap rainbows (as a friend put is so well on her blog), this is a photo of what we've been dealing with lately. On the upside, my "forcing a screaming, thrashing toddler into a stroller" skills have been totally perfected.



kate said...

on the upside, awesome photo! :) maybe having a little sibling will help? let us pray...it really seemed to chill out my little monster. a little.

Unknown said...

on the upside (which was exactly how i was going to respond even before i read kate's comment) chris looks very calm!

Vickie said...

Awesome. The screaming toddler phase is a joy, isn't it.

Vickie said...

Oh, and I love the phrase "crap rainbows." Hilarious! I'm so going to use that one too.

homemade by jill said...

Oscar throws insane tantrums, too, and to get my way I bribe him with pacifiers. Not my most shining mommy moments, but you do what gets you through the day. :)

laura said...

Seriously, I have to believe that kids are coming differently these days or they just didn't have enough birth control options in generations past...because I don't know how our parents raised so many kids. :) Elliot's lucky to have such a good parents as well as a fantastic gene pool--the kid's adorable even when he's throwing a tantrum! Love ya!

Unknown said...

Oh thank goodness everything is ok, you have been in my prayers. How do you make your blog pics so huge by the way?

Lauren said...

Amen to Laura's comment... how in the world did our parents do it?

It's a great picture, though. I take plenty of my kids throwing fits, and they are always fun to look at... a few years after the fact.