Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pineward Derby

Considering the fact that Chris and I are about the least artistic people around, we were pretty proud of our car for the Ward Pinewood Derby. Excuse me, PineWARD Derby.



Elliot and his friends Jack, Hudson, and Sawyer had a ball watching the cars race. They cheered and gave each other high fives, gorged themselves on cotton candy and just generally had a great time. Wish I had gotten a better picture, but this was the best I could do. Oh, and I had to include proof (albeit fuzzy) that Elliot does occasionally fold his arms for prayers.



kate said...

ha! i love that to take that picture your arms were unfolded AND your eyes were open! :) your car is awesome! looks like serious fun.

Megan Healey Taylor said...

Great car!! Soooo...PineWard Derby? Was it your doing? Don't tell me it was a Vienna ward import... :)

homemade by jill said...

Are you kidding? That looks awesome.

Kathryn Palmer said...

What a great car! KaChow is right!
I also wanted to tell you that there is a blog that I check frequently that my sister Allyson told me about. It is called "Homemade by Jill." I was looking at holiday ideas and all of a sudden Jill was talking about the Kemsley family, and I was looking at pictures of your family. I was quite surprised. Apparently your families are good friends, and can decorate amazing gingerbread houses!

Kathryn Palmer said...

Oh...looks like Jill just posted on your blog!
Small world!

Linea Kemsley said...

That's awesome! Definitely the best pinewood derby car I've seen in ages. I'm really impressed with you guys... and I'm sure Elliot was thrilled.

nicokekeematipili said...

Totally Rocks!