Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Thoughts on a vacation:

1. Our son is a class A wimp. Even Dumbo made him whimper.
2. Elliot loves Oscar too much for him to live on the other side of the country.
3. The sight of Lightning McQueen in the flesh sends our son into literal spasms of joy.
4. Yes, he is kissing McQueen in that picture.
5. When Elliot is very excited, he likes to press his face against ours. We have aptly named this the "face press."
6. Monte Cristo Sandwiches are delicious.
7. Hot tubs are fun for all ages.
8. Frank's shout of "sping break" can cause you to make poor choices (like eating your entire Monte Cristo sandwich).
9. Germans need to start inventing games for six people.
10. Disneyland is a lot of fun, but probably even more fun if you aren't pregnant.
11. By the way, I am pregnant.




susan said...

Congratulations! That is awesome news!

Vickie said...

Congratulations!! I've been wondering...When are you due? This is so exciting! Looks like you had a great vacation!

Unknown said...

I tried to comment on your photobucket pictures but I dont think it worked. Anyway I said that is crazy you are both pregnant, now the second kids can be awesome friends too, you guys will be the perfect families to go on vacations together like this your whole lives, yipee. Wish I could have come...i feel like i missed out big time. I guess Cameron would have just cried the whole time anyway, thats what he does whenever he misses a nap these days.

Unknown said...

oh and wasnt california soarin cool? And the buzz light year laser gun game, though i sucked at it.

debbie rowley said...

What a fun trip :)
Congratulations! Hope you are feeling well!

homemade by jill said...

Man, that was fun.

Megan Healey Taylor said...

Oh just by the way... :)

That's fantastic, Janelle! Congratulations!! I feel stupid for not picking up on that immediately when you said you were saving Gossip Girl for late night feedings...

kate said...

what fun! both disneyland, and the babe on the way, but especially the latter. congrats!!! hope you are feeling as good as you look.

laura said...

oh man, so fun! i need a spring break at disney. happy early birthday to chris--he's almost officially old. you look beautiful. i love you and the bun in your oven.
ps. will you send me your phone number...again. :)

Lauren said...


(Everything is better when you're NOT pregnant) :)

James said...


Kathryn Palmer said...

Looks like you had so much fun. And CONGRATULATIONS!

Mikaela:) said...

I love the face press - Elliot looks like he's trying to eat Chris's face. And btw - So I can tell people now that ur pregnant?

Angela Jensen said...

How in the world did you ride Dumbo pregnant? Round and Round-- Blech! Congrats!

nicokekeematipili said...

Love the pictures what a great way to post. Oscar looks as big as Elliot. I've got to check out Jill's blog now. Oh and Matias Class A whimpers too!