Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas 2010

Our Christmas morning started at the very reasonable hour of 7:15 a.m. when, being the impatient parents that we are, we woke Elliot up.

Here's what Santa had to offer (with a little help from Grandma Suzan, Grandpa Bill, and the Lunsfords):


The "Cozy Cone" (a motel from the movie "Cars" for those of you without boys between the age of 2 and 5) took a lot of work with a glue gun on the part of Santa's elves--apparently Santa's workshop (aka doesn't usually make them. As Chris put it, it was most expensive $3.99 present ever.

Christmas PJ's:



Christmas Morning: (Yes, I am as tired as I look)


Christmas day was followed by a blizzard (with lightning and thunder!), a trip to Connecticut for my mom's birthday, and a puke virus (contracted in Connecticut). Over all, though, we had a great Christmas!


Unknown said...

So, so cute. I love E's jammies too. I was looking for a pair just like that for my little ones. Where'd you get 'em?

Vickie said...

Looks like a fun morning! Hope you guys are all feeling better now.