Friday, November 19, 2010

Tire Swing

Thanks for the picture, Jaime.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010


We got one moustache picture before Elliot opted for a clean-shaven look. After the ward party on Saturday, we headed up to Connecticut for some "real" trick-or-treating on Sunday. My favorite part of the evening? Elliot's enthusiasm over seeing stars. "Look, Mom. A star! A star!" Hmmm... he must live in the city.

It was FREEZING, so Harper and I only made it to a few houses, but the rest of the crew made it around the neighborhood. Then we all ate ourselves sick, took a few pictures, and drove home.

"It's me, Mario!"

Link Josh and Volk Caleb (Nintendo was big with the Kemsley/Patton's this year)

"Milk and Cookies"
