Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's Official

We like her.

A gift from her brother -- "Pink Nolan"

This picture just cracked me up.

She's already discovered her thumb.

And took her first bath in stride -- not a single squeak.


laura said...

Look at your kidS! Your baby is beautiful. You look amazing.
Elliot holding Harper is so funny! I would give anything for a thought bubble. Keep the pictures coming.

stephanie said...

As I was reading through this post, Z said, "Baby!" We are all very excited about baby Harper and can't wait to meet her! She is so beautiful!!

Vickie said...

Love all the pictures. More more more!! ♥♥♥

homemade by jill said...
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homemade by jill said...

She is so beautiful! Do my eyes deceive me, or does she have a very Kemsley mouth?

Mikaela:) said...

SO SMALL!!!!! and I love Pink Nolan haha so funny