Saturday, March 21, 2009

An Hour Nap or an Hour of TV

The stars aligned and Chris's birthday fell on the BSG (Battlestar Gallactica for the uninitiated) two-hour series finale. Hence, we invited our fellow BSG-watchers over for some cured meats, key-lime pie, and geeky TV.

And to admire our Office-themed decorations, of course.

Happy Birthday, Chris!


Olivia McCord said...

Janelle, you look like a babe. Love "the Office" theme - that episode was hilarious.

Vickie said...

That's so awesome. Happy Birthday Chris!

Lauren said...

I showed Christopher the picture of Chris with his decorations and no explanation was needed. We are both cracking up. Happy birthday, Chris!

laura said...

I think I'm totally comfortable with the fact that I don't even know what "BSG" is. It's good to know everyone's a geek about something! Happy Birthday, Chris Patton, attorney at law!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday chris!!