Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just Doing His Civic Duty

Elliot and I braved the cold this morning so that he could vote in his first Presidential primary (he graciously allowed me to do the actual voting). He was a little disappointed not to be exit-polled, but was mollified by the really cool "I Voted" sticker a nice poll worker gave him.


Tamarra said...

that is painfully cute. what a little activist you two have.

Lauren said...

Which primary did Elliot vote in?

Janelle said...
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Janelle said...

The Democratic. He thinks John McCain is a stupid-head and that Huckabee is even worse.

laura said...

If I were still in diapers I'd be a big proponent of "change" too. :)
It's a great picture of him braving the elements in the name of democracy. So cute.

Anonymous said...

what a cute picture of Elliot in his winter coat with the fur all around. gk