Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Harry Potter

We were so sad to miss our friends' Harry Potter party while we were gone for Thanksgiving! In the spirit of the party, though, I've decided to post some pictures from the Harry Potter 7 release party we went to in Columbus Circle this summer. Notice the conspicuous absence of any of the men in our lives--they claimed they wanted to be helpful and babysit, but I think they were really just trying to avoid having to walk down the streets of New York City with us.

Tamarra (Fleur), Jill (Hagrid), Mikaela, Linea (Snape), Kara (Parvati Patel)

A glowering Snape

Why fly when you can take the subway?

Me (Luna Lovegood, of course) and Mikaela


Vickie said...

I love the earrings!! That's awesome that you were Luna. She's one of my favorites!

Lauren said...

Where did you get the radish earrings?? Awesome!

Anonymous said...

my goodness...the poor girl who is Hagrid...that must have been soooooo uncomfortable. I think Linea made a good Snape. She looked almost fierce. GK

laura said...

so all your sisters are gorgeous. beautiful. Tamarra, i couldn't get grown up, so stunning. Linea & Mikaela...holy cow, they weren't they like 4 and 5 last time i saw them. Kemsley girls are hot.
and i'm sure jill's quite lovely too sans beard. :)

Cat said...

We totally missed you guys!! Wish you would have been there!!