Sunday, May 22, 2011


This morning Harper had a record-breaking blowout. The kind where there is more poop outside of the diaper than in. The kind where poop ends up in her hair. The kind where there is poop on the new rug and on my shirt. The kind that requires an immediate dip in the tub.

Big brother, of course, was bothered that he didn't get to take an early bath as well. So I calmly explained that Harper was only getting a bath because she had pooped all over herself. What does Elliot do? He looks me squarely in the eye and deliberately pees his pants. As the puddle of urine slowly spreads and starts soaking the leg of my pants (I'm trapped! I have an infant in the tub! I'm completely helpless against the approaching tide!), he looks at me and says, "Now I need a bath, too."

I'm recording this so I can share it at his wedding rehearsal dinner. Or in a full-page ad in his senior yearbook. He deserves it, don't you think?

(Also, I think this is the kind of day that Chris ends up being sort-of glad he had to go into work over the weekend.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Elliot, Filmmaker

This is what happens when I leave Elliot alone with my phone.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Plants vs Zombies

Is, apparently, really interesting.
