Saturday, February 27, 2010

Snow Day

Fear of snow pants conquered.

20 inches in Central Park. Fourth biggest snowstorm in NY on record.

20 inches of great snowman snow, that is.

I made a funny face to get him to smile. He just copied my face.

Pretty cool place to play in the snow.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Two-Year-Olds Observations at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

In the Egyptian Section (where many of the statues were no longer intact): "Where's they heads?" and "What happen his nose, Mommy? It get squished?"

In the Renaissance Sculpture Garden: (Mischievous smile) "They naked!"

We loved having Grandma Suzan visit!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Elliot has been wanting to build a snowman for ages. So when we awoke to inches of wet, wonderful snowman snow this morning, I was thrilled. Unfortunately, it turns out that snow pants freak Elliot out and no amount of coaxing would convince him to put them on.

Fortunately, Chris came up with a brilliant solution before he left for work. Meet Bob, our snowman.
